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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Monday 30th January 2012                              Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall


Present:               Ken Crimes, Rodney Hall, Keith Warrington, Ian McKenzie

Apologies:          Graham Jeffries, Edward Freeman, Keith Butler, Graham Wardle, Mandy Winskill, Bob Goodman, Andrew Webster



1)      Matters arising

a)      KC confirmed that the original trophy supplier is back in business and same terms (less 32½ %) apply.  Two trophies inherited from the Rochdale League are in good condition and it was suggested that they could be used for the Junior Championship where there is currently no trophy and a larger more substantial trophy to replace the current poor quality doubles trophy.

Actions.  KC waiting for cost of re-engraving the larger trophy.

KRW to examine the trophies when they are all returned prior to Finals Night to confirm suitable replacements.


b)     KRW reported that the postponed Hilton YMCA match had now been played.  Hilton won 7-3.                                         

2)      Treasurers Report

a)      GW advised that there was only one transaction since the last report – a payment of Inter League Fees of £140.  Updated Treasurer’s Report attached with these minutes.


3)      Dwyer and Sponsors Cup – Handicap Review

a)      KC due to meet with Paul Wood (Ramsbottom Town) on Friday 3rd February to see if there could be some partial automation of the handicap calculations next season.

Action.  KC will report back after the meeting


4)      Championships and Finals Night 2011/12

a)      KC asked why the over 40s had changed to the over 50s.  The Championship Sub Committee all agreed that the over 40s had become almost the same as the Open Singles and moving the age may provide a different Competition.

Action.  KRW to see if an age comparison could be done using information from

ETTA Connect to show how many over 40s and over 50s the League has.

b)     Assistance with the Tournament on the day

i)       KRW taking the money and booking in players as they arrive.  KB to assist.

ii)      SK running the event.

Action.  SK to put the timings of the events on the website so entrants can see them when they enter the competition.

iii)     RH to make regular announcements on the day about using the facilities of the on-site refreshments ‘hut’.

iv)    MW helping to run the junior event as last year.

v)      Remaining Committee members encouraged to enter and be on hand as ‘Runners’ to assist SK in ensuring continuous play from all entrants.

c)      Cup Finals          

i)       Venues provisionally as follows: Seedfield: Monday 2nd April and 9th April.  Elton Vale: Tuesday 3rd and 10th, Wednesday 4th and 11th.  Prestwich: Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th.  Ramsbottom and ELPM possible.

Action.  KRW to check out the availability of Ramsbottom and ELPM as Cup Final venues.

d)     Trophies

i)       KC has the trophy order in hand.

e)      Finals Night Invitations

i)       Representatives of the Poytress, Pressman, Hilton and Lomax cups to be invited.  Guest of Honour, Brian Kean accepted.

ii)      Invitations for Vice Presidents and possibly the widow of John Reddy.

Action.  KRW to contact VP: Ken Davies, MBE and Jessie Reddy for Finals Night.

iii)     Helpers to set up Elton Vale Room, 2pm 17th April: KC, RH, KB, GW, KRW and possibly BG?


5)      New Chairman

a)      RH requested that a note be attached to the AGM Notice for any nominees for the role of Chairman.

Action.  KB to action


6)      A.O.B

a)      AW requested a note go on the website from about 1st March for the start of the Summer League from Thursday 3rd May.

Action.  KRW to action.


7)      Next meeting

a)      Monday 12th or Tuesday 13th March 2012 at Seedfield at 7.45 pm.

Action: IMc to confirm room/night availability.