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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Tuesday 28 June 2011                       Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall


Present:               Ken Crimes, Rodney Hall, Keith Butler, Ian McKenzie, Keith Warrington, Bob Goodman, Graham Wardle, Mandy Winskill

Apologies:          Andrew Webster, Graham Jeffries, Edward Freeman



1             LCTTL fine

This had been waived.


2             Trophies

KC will consider whether any of the trophies offered by the former Rochdale League can be used.


3             Divisions for the new season

The entry for the season was down to 55 teams.  Divisions 1, 2 and 3 were agreed without much difficulty.  Divisions 4 and 5 proved more contentious with various teams requesting to stay in a division or move division.  Eventually unanimous agreement was reached on the eleven teams for Division 4 and the twelve for Division 5.

KW will issue details to all club secretaries.


4             Next meeting

There will be a full League meeting on Monday 15 August at Seedfield at 7.45pm.  The date of the next Committee meeting will be decided later.