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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Monday 27 September 2010                           Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall


Present:               Ken Crimes, Keith Warrington, Keith Butler, Ian McKenzie, Andrew Webster, Graham Wardle, Edward Freeman, Bob Goodman

Apologies:          Lee Devenport, Graham Jeffries, Rodney Hall


1             Minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2010



2             Fines etc

Ramsbottom B were appealing against two fines.  No grounds had been given and the appeals were outside the time limit.  KC will inform them that the appeals had been rejected.

They have also withdrawn from the League (for reasons unconnected with the fines).  No fines or suspensions will be enforced.


3             BAe

            This team had lost its premises immediately after the start of the season.  It had been agreed that they would play just their away fixtures but not for double points.


4          Handicap Cups

            The Dwyer draw is on the website.

The handicaps are initially based on last season’s results, with a review to be made at Christmas.

All teams should submit detailed scorecards so the results can be analysed to see the effects of the handicapping.

GW and KW volunteered to help KC with the handicapping.


5          Closed Championships

            The date had been set as 27 March but this is an inter-league weekend.  20 March was proposed as an alternative and confirmation of hall availability was awaited.

            Venue hire costs will be less than half those charged by Castle Leisure Centre.

            Finals Night will be 14 April 2011.


7          Sponsor

            Hands-On Computer Solutions are the new sponsors.


8          Subs and Fees

            Payments were coming in okay.  Little advertising income had yet been received.


9          L&CTTL

            KB agreed to get GJ’s explanation of what had happened and also a copy of the relevant rules.


10       Website maintenance

            KC was doing this – KB would assist if required, after training from SK.


11       Awarded Matched

            BGSOB B had no players available because of holidays or work.  3 wins would be awarded to each player in Holmar D but the match score had yet to be decided.


12       Late payment of subs

Fines would be levied subject to the usual discretion.


13       Email addresses

            KB explained that a complaint had been received about the abuse of League members’ email addresses.  The way that mass mailings to players were done meant that all addresses were visible to all recipients.  A couple of individuals had then circulated their own emails to League players.

            The complaint had been passed on to these two and in future a different circulation method would be used to avoid a repetition.


14       Lee Devenport

            Lee had told KB that he was considering leaving the Committee.  KB will follow this up.


15       Maccabi

            AW reported that the outside shutters had been lowered at Maccabi while matches were still in progress.  This appeared to render emergency exits unusable.  EF agreed to investigate.


16       Individual Membership

            KB noted that in view of the problems individuals had had in registering with the ETTA he would extend the deadline for submitting returns to him.


17       Next Meeting

            Monday 29 November 2010 at Seedfield.