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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Tuesday 22 January 2013, 7.45 p.m.                            Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall


Present:               Rodney Hall, Ian McKenzie, Keith Butler, Andrew Webster, Graham Wardle, Keith Warrington, Frank Green


Apologies:          Mandy Winskill, Bob Goodman, Graham Jeffries, Edward Freeman



1)      Minutes of the meeting held on 23 October 2012



2)      Matters arising

a)      Handicap calculation automation – GW has created an improved Excel spreadsheet that should reduce the workload at each round.


b)     Sportsmanship trophy – this item will be removed from the agenda.  There was general support for such an award so if EF wants to resurrect it he can do so by making a firm proposal.


c)      Manual scoring machine – KW has ordered this and will collect shortly.

Action: KW


d)     Bank signatories – completed.



3)      ELPM

a)      The D team has withdrawn from the League.  Two of the three regular players have injuries and they have not managed to sign any reserves.  The Committee agreed that a single fine of £10 will be levied to cover all the matches with one or more players short and the withdrawal.

b)     The A team has missed two matches.  One arose from the unavailability of their room and they were unable to rearrange it in time for the next round of the Cup.  A single fine of £9 will be levied for the other match.


4)      Cup Competitions

a)      Maccabi A played three reserves (from their third division B team) in the Divisional Cup and won the match.  It was agreed that this use of reserves was not desirable but as there is no official rule covering the situation the result will not be challenged.  KW will write to both teams on the subject.  The sub-committee will consider what eligibility rule is required for the future.

b)     Since the Cup Competitions were changed a few seasons ago no complete sets of rules have been published for them.  It was agreed that this should be rectified and the sub-committee was requested to propose new rules.  FG will take part in this.

Action: Sub- committee


5)      Treasurer’s Report

GW submitted accounts for the year so far.  In future he will include a forecast for the year-end.

FG questioned whether there was the necessity to maintain the current level of funds.  KB noted that if the League wanted to provide any kind of practice or coaching facilities in future then substantial funds would be needed.

FG also commented on the small amount of expenses claimed by Committee members.  It was noted that there is no mention of expenses in the League rules but that any member could submit a request for reimbursement if they wished.


6)      Championships

a)      The eligibility rule will be to have played three League matches in the current season before the closing date.  Bona fide members of a League club will be allowed to enter the Junior competition even if they have not played any League games.

b)     The ages for the two veterans’ cups will be 50 and 60.

c)      Players may enter up to four events.

d)     FG will be responsible for the trophies this year.  He will liaise with KC on the last year’s list and supplier.

e)      The possibility of demanding payment in advance for the Championships was discussed.

Action: FG for trophies

Action: Sub-committee for payments and other details


7)      The use of new style table tennis balls

FG stated that the date for the change had been put back again and is now July 2015.


8)      First Aid training

KB suggested that this required someone to pick up the subject in order to make some progress – either a Committee member or any player who had an interest in it.  FG agreed to investigate.

Action: FG


9)      Ramsbottom vs BAE

A decision on this unplayed match has been made and both teams have been informed.


10)   ETTA elections

FG and KW have attended a meeting in Preston arranged by Andy Seward who is standing for election as ETTA Chairman.

They were very impressed by his proposals for the ETTA if he is elected.

They have also read the document circulated by Alex Murdoch, current Chairman.

The election takes place in February.  The Committee requested KB to cast his vote in favour of Andy Seward.

Action: KB


11)   Next meeting

Tuesday 12 March 2013 at Seedfield at 7.45 pm.