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Held on Tuesday 21 May 2013, 7.45 pm, at Seedfield Methodist Church Hall, Bury




Apologies for absence were received from Edward Freeman, Graham Jeffries.



Burning Desire, Bury GSOB, Carlton Vale, Coburg, ELPM, Elton Vale SC, Holmar, Little Lever, Maccabi, Polish Catholic Club, Prestwich, Radcliffe CC, Ramsbottom TT Academy, Ramsbottom Town, Seedfield Methodist, Shawfield,  Wardle Conservative Club.



BAE, Carlton Club.  Per rule 5(e) a £5 fine per club will apply.



The minutes of the 2012 AGM were approved.








Having had my arm twisted up my back to stand as Chairman, by Rod Hall, I finally agreed and was duly elected at last year's AGM.  I had a baptism of fire, as there was an ongoing issue that had to be resolved prior to the beginning of the season.  Suffice to say that although it may not have pleased everyone involved we did manage, eventually, to resolve the matter as best we could.

On the matter of sponsorship, Edward Freeman has informed us that Glaisyers is unlikely to be able to sponsor the League this coming season and so the search is on, yet again, for a new sponsor.  Anyone wishing to take over sponsorship or knows someone who might be interested should contact our secretary Keith Butler, or any committee member, as soon as possible.  As ever we need advertisers for the handbook and hope for the continued support of our current advertisers, plus any newcomers who feel that they can place a small advert in the handbook.  All income from advertising offsets the cost of producing the handbook.

I must say to you all, how lucky the League is to have such a hard working committee.  It has been an eye opener.  Setting up and running the League, from year to year, doesn't just happen, it takes a lot of time and effort.  I must thank on your behalf, all the members of the committee for their efforts during the season and in particular our Secretary Keith Butler, whose work quite often goes unnoticed, but who ensures that the League's affairs are kept in good order.  Graham Wardle has again made sure that the finances of the League have been well looked after and that the League continues to have a healthy capital reserve.  Once the season gets under way the League would not function but for the efforts of our Match Secretary Keith Warrington.  To me he is the engine room of the League and is responsible for making the League tick.  However, his place was very ably taken by Keith Butler for two months in the early part of season, due to him going off to Australia.  I'm sure Keith will have more to say on that, later.

We were all a little concerned that Simon King, who has had a big part to play in the organization of the end of season tournaments in past years, would be unavailable this year due to personal circumstances.  Keith Warrington, Rod Hall and Graham Wardle did all the preparatory work, but everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Simon said he was available.  I thought the day went extremely well and that can only be down to good planning by the tournament committee and Simon's invaluable help.  What a great venue Radclyffe School is.

Special mention must go to Mick Moir who has won the Men's singles title for a record eighth time, beating Derek Hutchinson's long standing record of seven titles.

It is inevitable that something unforeseen will happen from time to time, that is not covered by the League Rules and we have proposed some rule amendments to try and address one or two issues that have occurred this season.  We hope that this meeting will support the changes when the time comes.

This year we decided to present glass trophies instead of cups for the divisional championships and cup competitions.  These appear to have been well received and we may continue with them next year.  Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.

Finally, thank you to all clubs who provided venues for Cup Finals & to Seedfield Methodists for providing the venue for meetings including today’s AGM.  A special thank you goes yet again to Elton Vale Sports Club for holding the Presentation & Finals Night and for being such hospitable hosts.

On Finals Night we were indebted to all who helped and particularly to Adam Kenzitt from Ramsbottom Academy who, apart from one match, operated the scoreboard for the whole of the evening.  He wasn't asked by anyone.  He just did it!



Keith Butler reported that six Committee meetings had been held since the last AGM.  A number of interesting issues come up during the year.  Following a request from one club, the practice of publishing the Committee minutes on the website will be revived.  The minutes had been published on the original website but when the site was redesigned and moved to a new hosting service the League failed to set up this facility again.  Messrs Butler and Warrington will bring the site up to date shortly.

The Secretary commented on the period during which he maintained the results on the website in the Match Secretary’s absence – he wouldn’t want to do it for a whole season!


Match Secretary

This was my seventh season as Match Secretary in the 81st year of the League.


There were nineteen clubs in the League this season, two less than last season and four less than the year before.  We lost St.Philip’s but the team merged with Carlton Club.  Stand also merged with Carlton Club.  Hilton YMCA became Coburg.  For the fifteenth consecutive year there were five divisions.  For the first time since I was Match Secretary there were twelve teams in Division 1.  Unfortunately because of long term injuries of two regular players ELPM D from Division 5 had to drop out of the League part way through the season which reduced the division to just nine teams.  As a result the team total was fifty two for the season; three down on the previous year but one more than the lowest number of fifty one in 2004/5.  There were also only nineteen clubs in 2002 and 2003 seasons so we hope for an increase in clubs and teams next season.

There were two hundred and ninety four Individual Registrations via the ETTA website; a number that I haven’t reported on previously but will do in future.

The breakdown of membership is:

Cadet (RTTA)









As I reported last year all clubs emailed score cards to me.  Again there were still a few teams that posted or hand delivered some.  A small number I had to chase throughout the season, they know who they are.  Emailing cards or the results enables me to get the details onto the website quicker and saves postage for those teams which is a greater consideration with the rise in postage costs.


Fines of £131 were up on the £113 for the previous year with four late score card fines, three more than last year.  I would just confirm that fines were only imposed in accordance to the rules; exactly the same as in previous years.


I have a few thanks to make.


The Individual Handicaps were in their fourth season and there were many close matches in all of the Cup rounds.  In all seven Cup Finals the winning margin ranged from just 7 to 26.  I would like to thank Graham Wardle and our President Bob Goodman who, with me, formed the Handicap Committee who did the handicap calculations for all rounds.  We haven’t been able to fully automate the calculations but have fine-tuned parts, which has helped reduce the time we need to spend on them.

Simon King, Graham Wardle and our Vice Chairman Rodney Hall and I were again the Closed Championship Sub-Committee and the time spent preparing was well worth while because the day went very.  Simon’s time was limited in the early preparations because his wife had spent a long time in hospital at the beginning of the year.  We were very grateful and fortunate that Simon was able to run the event on the day and, under the circumstances, he did a tremendous job.  I’m sure everyone who took part saw the work he did to make the event such a success.  Thanks to Simon, Graham, Rodney, the Committee Members and those who helped Simon during the day.


I would like to thank everyone on the Committee who helped with officiating at all of the Cup Finals and with the preparations for Finals night.


I was in Australia for a number of weeks in September and October for the birth of our second granddaughter.  League Secretary Keith Butler kindly agreed to look after the match results and website during my absence and I would like to thank Keith for the great work he did.


The Bury Times were very proactive throughout the season and we enjoyed headlines and photos on numerous occasions.  We also got a photographer to the Closed Championship and Finals Night.  I have written to the Bury Times to thank them for their continued support.


That concludes my report and I would ask if there are any questions.  If not I’ll hand you back to the Chairman.



Ramsbottom Table Tennis Academy


The Academy continued at Castle Leisure Centre in Bury on ten tables.  We operate from the first week in September to the first week in July.


We had a surge in Membership after the Olympics but the numbers dropped off after we returned from the Christmas break.  We have seen an increase in numbers over the last few weeks with record numbers only a couple of weeks ago.  Long may it continue.


We had just one team in the Bury League this year and Dominic Siddall showed a significant improvement in his game to win Division 5’s top ten, the Individual Handicap trophy for Division 5 and the Junior Trophy on Finals Night.  We also had one team in the ETTA Cadet League at Halton in Widnes which is the entry level for TT in this age group.  We were able to introduce a number of new members to the Cadet League which was their first taste of competitive table tennis.


We continue to be fortunate in having a number of Bury League players as well as a few capable table tennis parents coming to help our coaches in particular the first session which is for real beginners.  The session is very labour intensive and without the help of the following players we would be really struggling.  Stephen Siddall, David Poytress and Jonathan Fitton from Seedfield, John Biggins from S.P.Carlton and more recently Steve Evans from Carlton Club.  Simon Charnley who used to play in the Bury League has also helped us right from the start of the Academy.  Thanks to all who continue to help us and without this help our coaches would really struggle.


Inter League Secretary

No report



As usual the Accounts are unaudited due to the date of the AGM being so soon after year end.

The Committed had expected a small loss.

I have shown a new expense category in the Accounts – Cup finals and Finals night expenses.  These were previously included in Sundry Expenses.

There was increased income from Championship entry fees.

Sundry Expenses reduced due to 2012 including a subsidy for Shawfield juniors.

After deducting the loss of £258, reserves carried forward to next year amount to £6266.



The Officers and Committee members were standing for re-election.

In addition Steve Barber was proposed as a General Committee Member.

All were elected unanimously.  This resulted in the following Committee:


President                                                          Bob Goodman

Chairman                                                          Frank Green

Vice Chairman                                                 Rodney Hall

Secretary                                                          Keith Butler

Treasurer                                                          Graham Wardle

Match Secretary                                             Keith Warrington

Inter-League Secretary                                 Graham Jeffries

Coaching/Development Officer                  Mandy Winskill

General Committee Members                     Ian McKenzie, Andrew Webster, Edward Freeman, Steve Barber


2013/14 SEASON

KW issued a timetable for the lead up to the new season and enclosed full instructions as to what is required from each club.

KW distributed the Entry Forms and Ranking list to all clubs present.  Forms to be returned by Friday 28 June.

The season will start on Monday 2 September.

KW will send electronic forms out to all secretaries.



A number of rule changes were proposed by the Committee.  Most were accepted by the meeting with little comment.

The exceptions were rules 8(b) and 8(c).  Ben Armstrong of Burning Desire had raised issues during the season related to player rankings.  His team felt that certain Prestwich rankings were incorrect and players had been allowed to play for more than one team with the result that Burning Desire’s finish in a relegation position was unfair.  He wished to raise the matter at the AGM.

There was a vigorous debate on the subject.  No one was happy with the situation or the outcome.  However the Committee did not feel they could make any changes to results or league positions but Ben believed that the Committee should have dealt with the matter whatever the wording of the rules was.

As a result of the complaint the Committee had made the proposals for rules 8(b) and 8(c) that were being put to the AGM.  A number of questions were raised about whether small clubs would be disadvantaged and what would happen when a club had teams in widely separated divisions.  The Secretary replied that the wording of the rules was designed to allow the Committee to make appropriate decisions in these circumstances, to the benefit of the League.

All the changes were put to the vote and all were approved.


Comments on the changes and details of the new rules are as follows.


Rule 3 Subscriptions

The League no longer offers the option for players to register with the ETTA via the League, so it is necessary to delete the words “An additional fee must be paid by each club for every player who wishes to obtain their ETTA individual membership through the League. The amount of this payment is that specified by the ETTA as the relevant individual membership fee” from the existing rule.


The new Rule 3:


3.     Subscriptions.  The annual subscription shall be £30 per team.  All Clubs shall pay their subscriptions and fees by the 30th September in each season.  Any Club not paying these by this date shall be fined £5 for each month and part of a month that they remain unpaid.  If any subscription or fee remains unpaid on the 31st December, that Club shall be expelled from the League for the following season.


Rule 6 Meetings

This adds some details to the rules governing meetings.


The new Rule 6:


6.        Meetings.

(a)      A General Meeting shall be held prior to the beginning of the season for collection of handbooks and any relevant information for the new season, at which all clubs shall be entitled to one vote.

(b)      Management Committee meetings will be held throughout the year as deemed necessary by the Committee.

(c)      Any member of the Committee (except the President) who misses three consecutive committee meetings in any one season without reasonable excuse shall cease to be a member of the Committee and the Committee shall have the power to fill any such vacancy.


Rules 8(b) and (c)

The sections dealing with rankings were felt to be inadequate in the light of the complaint raised by Burning Desire, noted above.  The new wording is designed to clarify matters and should avoid any repeat of the type of the issues that arose in the 2012/13 season.  In addition, wording related to player registration to the ETTA via the League needed to be removed. 


The new Rules 8(b) and 8(c):


(b)      Each Club shall register with the Match Secretary sufficient players to enable it to run the team or teams entered.  All players must be registered with the Match Secretary and have ETTA individual player membership before taking part in any match.  The registration of any player shall be subject to the approval of the Management Committee and, in particular, the registration of any player after 31st January in any season must be specifically approved by the Management Committee.

Clubs must supply to the Match Secretary evidence of ETTA membership for their players.  The Committee shall specify the latest date for the submission of the evidence.  Only players whose evidence has been submitted by the specified date will be eligible to play in any League match.



(i)        Clubs must rank all players in order of playing ability and such ranking lists shall be subject to the acceptance of the Management Committee.  Players of similar ability may be ranked equally.  Each player must be assigned to one of the Club’s teams and more than three players may be assigned to any team.  Higher ranked players must be assigned to the higher ranked teams.  A player may play for a higher team than the one to which he/she is assigned, but may not play for a lower.  If a player plays five times for higher ranked teams the Club must re-assign him/her to one of those teams and notify the Match Secretary.

(ii)      The Management Committee may allow deviations from the provisions of 8(c)(i) in exceptional circumstances or if it believes that such action will be for the benefit of the League.

(iii)     Any team playing an ineligible player shall be fined £3 for each player and, at the discretion of the Management Committee, may forfeit the match except in the case of a cup match which will be forfeited.  If a regular player or reserve is not available for a match, a guest player will be allowed to play.  The guest player will be a registered club player not eligible for that team and his or her games would not count.



Several categories of fines did not provide sufficient incentive for clubs to adhere to the rules.


The full list of fines after the changes:


Fines  £


Late payment of team subscription, per month: Rule 3


Non attendance at AGM: Rule 5(e)


Playing of ineligible player - Rule 8(c)


Failure to complete a fixture – Rule 8(f)


Playing a player short - Rule 8(i)


Late score card - Rule 8(j)


False score card - Rule 8(j)


Playing under false name - Rule 8(j)


Late return of trophies - Rule 9(d)


Trophies returned in unfit condition - Rule 9(d)


Failure to collect trophies - Rule 9(e)




The Chairman reported that the League was considering some subsidising of first aid training for players.  This was prompted by the incident when successful action by a trained first-aider was vital when a Prestwich player suffered a heart attack after a match.

A number of comments were made by the meeting concerning grants and the limited usefulness of basic training.  The Chairman agreed to consider the matters that had been raised and to report later.





The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.