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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Tuesday 13 March 2012                    Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall


Present:               Ken Crimes, Rodney Hall, Keith Warrington, Ian McKenzie, Keith Butler, Bob Goodman, Edward Freeman, Mandy Winskill

Apologies:          Graham Jeffries, Graham Wardle, Andrew Webster



1)      Minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2012



2)      Matters arising

a)      Rochdale trophies.  KC stated that the smaller trophy was suitable for the Junior competition and would be modified appropriately.  The larger one was already engraved as presented by Marathon.  The Committee decided that it should be further engraved as belonging to the B&DTTL and can be awarded to the winners of the Doubles competition.

KC to progress the modifications to the two trophies.


b)     Handicap calculation.  Simon King’s tech guy will have a look at this.  Their view was that automating the process should be possible.

KC to follow up with SK.


c)      AGM notice concerning Chairman’s role.  KB will include this in the meeting notice.

KB to action.


d)     Summer League.  Details will be put on the website later and publicised at Finals Night.

KC to amend website.

KW to add to MC’s script.


3)      Emailing scorecards and Championship entries via the website

SK has had the necessary program written.  Cost is £50, to be shared with Bolton League if they want to use the facility.

KC to liaise with Bolton.


4)      Cup competitions

Volunteers were obtained for scorers at most of the finals.

KW will ask GJ/GW/AW.


5)      Championships and Finals Night 2011/12

a)      Arrangements at Elton Vale are in place.


b)     The age qualification for the over 60s event was shown incorrectly on the website.

KC will amend the website.

KRW will email the correction to all players.


c)      The invitations to special guests had been made and generally accepted.


d)     Following a poor response for the Junior competition from Academy members some entries from outside the League had been accepted.  It was agreed that for this year that event would be considered as Open rather than Closed, although a general invitation would not be made at this stage.


6)      AGM

A provisional date of Monday 21 May at 7.30 pm was agreed.

IM to confirm availability of Seedfield premises.

KB to liaise with KC and KW and issue notice at the relevant time.


7)      A.O.B

a)      AW requested a note go on the website from about 1st March for the start of the Summer League from Thursday 3rd May.

Action.  KRW to action.


8)      Banks’ League

This League had asked if the Bury League could assist in making arrangements that would allow the Banks’ League to continue next season.  The Committee agreed that this was not possible and the Banks’ League will be advised to contact Andrea Holt of the ETTA for advice and assistance.

KB to inform the Banks’ League of the decision.


9)      A.O.B

a)      An adverse comment had been received about the fact that Cup Finals had been arranged during the Easter period.  The Committee agreed that this might not be ideal but the timing of the season and Easter made it difficult to avoid this year.


b)     Shawfield junior table tennis.  AW had written to KC concerning the contribution from the League towards their juniors.  KC will discuss this with him.



10)   Next meeting

a)      Tuesday 1 May 2012 at Seedfield at 7.45 pm.

IM to confirm room availability.