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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Tuesday 12 March 2013, 7.45 p.m.                Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall


Present:               Keith Butler, Graham Wardle, Keith Warrington, Frank Green, Mandy Winskill, Bob Goodman


Apologies:          Graham Jeffries, Edward Freeman, Rodney Hall, Ian McKenzie, Andrew Webster



1)      Minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2013



2)      Matters arising

a)      Scoring machines – KW has received these and passed them to RH.


b)     Maccabi use of reserves - as Maccabi only have three players ranked for the first division team and have no Division 2 team they had no alternative but to play Division 3 players in the recent Divisional Cup match due to the unavailability of their regular first team players.


c)      Rules for competitions next season - there has been no action on this point so far.

Action: KW


d)     Trophies – FG has ordered all the trophies for distribution on Finals Night.


e)      First aid courses – FG has made some enquiries and found that the Red Cross would run courses for a maximum of 12 people at a cost of £40 per head.  We would have to provide premises for this.  It was agreed to raise this matter at the AGM and see what response the clubs have to it

Action: KB / FG


f)       ETTA elections – KB reported that Andy Seward and his team had won the election.



3)      Championships

a)      Entries – 55 so far and most have paid.


b)     Volunteers – SK should be available to organise matters on the day and will be at the sub-committee meeting.


4)      Cup Finals

a)      Volunteers – several committee members had volunteered to score.  KW would contact the others to fill the remaining places.

Action: KW


b)     Handicaps – these will be updated to include the results for the whole season.

Action: Sub- committee


5)      Finals Night

a)      Volunteers – these have been arranged to set up the venue.


b)     Invitations to special guests – KW will obtain contact details so that FG can issue the invitations.

Action: KW / FG


c)      Scorers – arranged.



6)      Treasurer’s report

GW had issued his report which included a forecast of a loss for the year of around £500.


7)      Table tennis sports breaks

This will be dealt with at the next meeting.

Action: KB


8)      Illegal rubbers issue

An email relating to this old matter had been received which indicated that the individual reporting the use of illegal rubbers felt let down by the Committee.  KB will respond that his comments have been noted.

Action: KB


9)      Publication of meeting minutes

Jim Chadwick had submitted a request that the minutes of all meetings be published on the website.  KB explained to the Committee that minutes had been published on the website in the past (and these are still available on the site).  When the website design was changed some years ago he no longer had access and the practice had simply lapsed.

It was agreed that the missing minutes would be added to the site.  Sub-committees do not always produce formal minutes so these will not be published.  In any case significant matters are reported to the main Committee and will be minuted there.

The Committee reserve the right to redact minutes if circumstances are deemed to justify this.

Action KB / KW


10)   Inter-league

It was agreed that better feedback about the inter-league competition would be welcome.

Action FG / GJ


11)   Prestwich rankings

A complaint had been received concerning Prestwich rankings.  This was on the basis that players had played for higher teams than their ranking indicated, with better results, and in some cases had not played for teams that they were ranked for and had only “played up”.  It was possible that relegation issues would be affected by this.

It was agreed that the situation was not entirely satisfactory though no League rules may have been broken.  Had issues been identified earlier in the season it might have resulted in changes but at this stage of the season it was difficult to see what could or should be done.

KB agreed to write to the Prestwich secretary to request that the club take into account the concerns when setting next season’s ranking.  KW would write to the complainant.

Action: KB / KW


12)   Any other business

a)      Buckley Hall Prison had contacted the League to see if the League could provide them with coaching or other table tennis assistance.  FG / KW / RH will arrange a visit.  There was a possibility that they might wish to enter the League in which case they would have to play all matches at home.  This could be raised at the AGM to find out what clubs thought.


b)     KW will draw up and circulate a timetable for the activities and meetings that are required from Finals Night to the start of next season.


13)   Next meeting

Tuesday 30 April 2013 at Seedfield at 7.45 pm.