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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League

Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Monday 28 April 2008 Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall


Present: Keith Warrington, Frank Sheldon, Keith Butler, David Ternent, Phil Herd, Graham Jeffries, Joe Walk (items 1to 3 only)

Apologies: Andrew Webster, Rodney Hall, Ian McKenzie


1 Chairman

FS took the chair.


2 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 17 March were approved.


3 Bury Table Tennis Club

JW explained that he had been accepted by VSO for another two year period abroad. The start date could be as early as September but had yet to be confirmed.

It was agreed not to resubmit the Awards for All grant application as JW’s absence meant that the scope of any project would have to be scaled back.

Everyone agreed that something needed to be done by the League as regards facilities for practice and coaching. The matter would be raised at the AGM and clubs would be asked if they had any spare tables for such a project.

There was a possible venue that KW knew of, and perhaps a meeting with Bury Council would be helpful.

Action: KW to progress these.

JW noted that there may be a table available that had been bought by him from a grant and used at Woodhey.

Action: JW to confirm if this table is usable by the League


4 Matters Arising

a) KB to progress changes to bank signatories.

The bank has destroyed the papers so we have to start again. Action: KB, PH and KW.

b) Only one handbook advert remained unpaid. Now received.

c) PH will bill the clubs for the season’s fines. Action: PH.

d) Championships – KB to arrange a website questionnaire. Action: KB, next season.


5 Tournament Secretary – Finals Night

FS thanked DT for his organisation of Finals Night. It was agreed that it had been a good evening’s table tennis.

It was also noted that, although it is a good social venue, the playing conditions at Ramsbottom Cricket Club are far from ideal. Consideration would be given to a change next year if anywhere is available.

Action: DT and PH to ensure that the room hire is paid.

There was some uncertainty as to whether all additional trophies had been paid for.

Action: DT and PH to ensure that extra trophies are paid for by Clubs who requested them

GJ raised the subject of the round robin stage of the Championships. Some of the Division 1 players had been concerned that the best players might not necessarily reach the later stages because of the way in which it had been arranged. It was agreed to review this for 2008/9.

Action: DT to consider arrangements for 2008/9.


6 Match Secretary’s report

KW reported that only three matches had to be awarded this season, about a third of last season’s total. The Committee thanked him for his efforts in achieving this improvement. One occurred when a team called off a match at 6.30pm on the match evening. Another was necessary because a venue became unavailable too late in the season for a re-arrangement to be made. The third was because of the lack of players in one team at the end of the season.

A number of league games were played during Cup Finals week. This was later than they should have been played but they had been approved in order to get the fixtures completed.

The date of the Macdonald Cup final had been changed by mutual agreement of the teams involved, in order to ensure that representative teams could be fielded. It was unfortunate that at least one potential spectator had attended on the original date.

It was agreed to make a payment to Seedfield for the use of their premises for a Cup Final and various meetings.

Action: KW to give payment details to PH

“The Story So Far”. KW had made good progress on updating the material in Bob Goodman’s original book and also obtaining more historical information. He had got estimates for the cost of setting and printing; these were around £1,750 for 300 copies, including some colour pages. The Committee discussed how best to proceed. It was reluctant to commit League funds without a realistic chance of recouping the outlay. Views differed as to the likely demand for sales of such a publication. KW will email players with a questionnaire in order to gather information about League members in general. He will also include details of his plans for the book and ask if they would be interested in buying a copy if published.

Action: KW to send emails.

Action: KW to raise the subject at the AGM.

KW and KB had considered alternative handicapping methods for the Macdonald and Poytress Cups that take into account the ability of individual players rather than just the teams’ league positions. The subject would be raised at the AGM to see if clubs were interested in a trial next season.

Action: KW and KB to raise at AGM.


7 Treasurer’s report

A new forecast for the season’s finances had not been done but it was estimated that there could be a surplus of approaching £1,000. In view of the desire to establish some kind of practice and coaching facility and the likely costs that would be involved it was agreed to leave subscriptions and fees for next season at the same level as 2007/8, with the aim of increasing the available League funds.


8 Inter-League Report

GJ reported on the fine performances by the Bury inter-league teams. The first team had won the Premier league for the first time and the second team had come third in their division.


9 Secretary’s Report

It was agreed to ask if Steve McNicholas would represent the league at the LCTTA AGM.

Action: GJ to give email address to KB and KB to follow up


10 Rule Changes

A number of possible changes were discussed. In some cases alternatives would be offered to the League AGM. The proposals are attached.

It was suggested that the service rule be included in the handbook.

No proposals for rule changes had been received from clubs.


11 AGM

The usual appeal will be made for new Committee members. The Chairman’s position is still vacant. DT wished to stand down as Vice-Chairman but was happy to continue as Tournament Secretary.

George Lomax had indicated his willingness to continue as President.

As far as is known, the other committee members are willing to stand again.


12 Next meeting

League AGM, Monday 19 May 2008.

Action: KB to issue notice and agenda.