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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League

Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Wednesday 21 November 2007 Place: 9 Hawthorn Road, Rochdale


Present: Keith Warrington, Frank Sheldon, Rodney Hall, Keith Butler, Andrew Webster, Phil Herd

Apologies: David Ternent, Graham Jeffries, Ian McKenzie


1 Chairman

FS took the chair.


2 Matters Arising

a)                   JW arrange a visit to the TA with KW, KB, FS and RH. Done

b)                   KB to give JW contact details of the other committee members. Done

c)                   JW to arrange an initial committee meeting. Done

d)                   FS to communicate to Seedfield Centre. Done

e)                   DT to book Ramsbottom for Finals Night. Done

Action: DT, is the Hilton Centre booked?

f)                     Await reply from GJ about giving contact details to the L&CTTL. Carry forward

g)                   KB to develop the website on the new host. Target mid November.

May have to defer the change until next season. Action: KB to investigate

h)                   DT to provide a summary of medals and trophies.

The League trophies we present (i.e. those kept for 12 months by each winner) are;

Dwyer, Poytress and MacDonald cup winners; Divisions 1 - 5 winners; Singles Champion; Doubles Champions; Veterans (over 40's) winner.

i)                     KB, PH and KW to sort out changes to bank signatories. Action: PH to progress

j)                     KW will circulate clubs and ask their views about end of season event. Carry Forward

k)                   ETTA 2000 Club and Committee minutes on website. Done

l)                     Committee to access email reasonably frequently. Done

m)                 KB to give details to KW re home and away fixtures in cup draws. Done

n)                   KW will issue handicaps within the next week. Done

o)                   KB to put handbook corrections on the website. Done

p)                   KW to notify Carlton about use of a reserve in the cup. Done

q)                   KW to notify clubs about the qualifying date re cups. Done


3 Match Secretary’s report

BAE had tried to postpone their match against Seedfield at the last minute. Seedfield had not agreed to this and under the League rules the match had to be awarded to Seedfield. Some members of the Committee were disappointed that the match would not be played – the relevant rule had been changed to encourage as many matches as possible to be completed.


4 Secretary’s report

Individual registration forms had been received for all but about 18 players. The hard work by club secretaries was much appreciated. League rules require clubs to supply this data for all registered players so KW will write to relevant secretaries. There was some discussion about the ETTA’s plans for individual registration and whether they were feasible. There is information on the League website about this.

Action: KW to request completion of remaining forms.


5 Treasurer’s report

A couple of clubs had not yet paid their fees and were therefore subject to fines. The deadline to avoid expulsion next season is 31 December 2007. Action: PH to pursue


6 Bury Table Tennis Club developments

Verbal agreement for the use of the TA centre had been given. An Awards for All grant had been applied for; an answer should be received in about eight weeks. Joe Walk had written to the League Committee to ask if the League would be willing to provide some financial support for this new venture. The Committee were not averse to this as the proposed club was intended to provide the kind of development that the League itself wanted to do. It was too early to give a formal response to Joe. This could be done when the results of the grant application had been received and firm plans for the club had been drawn up. With FS now acting as Chairman of League Committee meetings there was a possibility that JW might be willing to replace him as Coaching/Development Officer. It was agreed to follow this up.

Action: KB to inform JW


7 Possible changes to the season timetable and cup competitions etc.

AW and PH had put forward some ideas for future seasons. These warranted a longer discussion than was possible at present so they would be carried forward to a future meeting.

Action: KB to put on next agenda


8 Sam Hilton bequest.

The use of this was dependent on the results of the above discussion.

Action: KB to put on next agenda


9 Rule and handbook changes

KB requested Committee members to put forward any suggestions for the next season. He would keep a note for later discussion. So far the possibilities were: formally adopt the ITTF list of allowable rubbers, require (or encourage) clubs to provide refreshments at all matches, handbook to emphasise that services must comply with ETTA rules. Action: KB to maintain a list


10 Items for possible future discussion

Liaison with other Leagues.

Club mergers (reduction in number of single team clubs).

Action: KB to put on next agenda


10 Next meeting

Week beginning 4 February 2008. Action: KB to choose a date after consultation.