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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Monday 7 February 2011                  Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall


Present:               Rodney Hall, Keith Butler, Ian McKenzie, Andrew Webster, Graham Wardle, Keith Warrington, Mandy Winskill

Apologies:          Ken Crimes, Graham Jeffries, Andy Evans, Edward Freeman, Bob Goodman



1             Minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2010



2             Treasurer’s Report

All advertisements and subs had now been paid plus a couple of old fines.  Some fines relating to teams no longer in the League were outstanding but one had been promised and will be chased.

The LCTTL had apparently not received the cheque sent by GW in October.  They appeared not to believe that the cheque had been sent and had mis-stated the dates that invoices were sent out.  GW will be vigorously opposing the imposition of a fine.


3             Maccabi safety issue – closure of shutters

No information yet from EF.


4             Awarded matches

The points had been awarded in the case of all awarded matches.


5             Individual Membership

KB reported that he still lacked returns from a number of clubs and others were incomplete.  He proposed that a deadline of 28 February should be set, after which players without membership numbers would not be allowed to play.  After some discussion about the problems in this first season of IM it was agreed that he would speak to each club and insist on the completion of the returns by the end of February.  No suspensions would be imposed without further discussion.


6             Grubba

Contact had been made by Grubba Fans indicating that they wished to enter a team in Division2 next season.  KW will let them have application forms at the appropriate time but entry was not guaranteed in view of the problems experienced last season and reported problems in Bolton League this season.


7             Championships

It was agreed that any player entering the Championships who withdrew without giving notice would be charged the entrance subs.  The latest date for withdrawal would be decided later and publicised.  Non-payment of the subs in these circumstances might bar a player from the League next season.

KW requested that all Committee members advise him as to whether they could assist in running the event on the day.

There was the usual discussion about what prizes should be awarded to winners – money, medals or trophies.  The majority of those present preferred not to give cash prizes.  RH will discuss with KC.

Players will be allowed to enter only four events in total.  This is an attempt to avoid the fixture congestion that arose later in the day last year.

It was agreed to have seven finals on Finals Night and no semi-finals.  The finals would include two Divisional finals.  This would be publicised to avoid the type of complaints that had been received last year.

The sub-committee was thanked for the work done so far.


8             Other business

A player from Maccabi had been advised that he had been using non-approved rubbers and must change to approved rubbers immediately.  No penalties were being imposed as it was assumed that a genuine mistake had been made.  There had been an exchange of emails on the subject and the player was clearly unhappy with the decision and had also made adverse comments about the Cup handicaps.  The Committee hoped that the matter was now closed.


9             Next Meeting

Tuesday 22 March 2011 at Seedfield.  To be confirmed after discussion with the Chairman.