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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League

Date: Monday 2 November 2009
Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall

Present: Ken Crimes, Keith Warrington, Keith Butler, Rodney Hall, Simon King, Graham Wardle Ian McKenzie, Bob Goodman (President)
Apologies: Steve Hathaway, Mandy Winskill, Andrew Webster, Edward Freeman, Graham Jeffries

1 Minutes of the meeting held on 10 August 2009


2 Review of the Dwyer Cup First Round

A number of clubs (mainly from Division 1) failed to turn out teams for the first round. This was very disappointing for several reasons. One was the lack of support for the League’s competition and another was that this deprived players from lower divisions of experiencing games against players of a high standard. The reduction in matches played also reduced the opportunity to review the accuracy of the handicapping system. The question was raised as to whether such teams should be eligible for the first round of the Sponsor’s Cup. After some debate it was agreed that they would be eligible. The Committee discussed the possibility of opt-outs from the Dwyer and Sponsor’s Cups in the future but agreed to continue without opt-outs for the current season, with a further review to be held later.
Action: KB - agenda item for later in the year

It was thought that the new handicapping system had been generally well received by those who did play. The handicaps had worked out pretty well with only a few errors or anomalies. SK agreed to publicise the first round of the Sponsor’s Cup as it was not in the handbook.
Action: SK to advise clubs

3 Championships

These were now to be held on Sunday 11 April 2010. SK will publish details on the website. Arrangements have been made for table hire from Jarvis but SK will also contact Dave Griffiths about possible use of his tables at a lower cost than the existing arrangement.
Action: SK to pursue these actions

4 Divisional Cups

A meeting will be arranged after 30 November to review these if thought necessary.
Action: KC and SK to make decision on this

5 Matters arising from last meeting

GW to invoice advertisers – most had now paid. SK to review the options for prizes at the Championships – carry forward.
Action: KB – agenda item

RH will discuss with Elton the specific lighting requirements for table tennis – RH will be getting estimates for the lighting improvements. He has to balance the needs of table tennis with the needs of other users of the room.
Action: RH

GW agreed to contact the sponsors about payment of the sponsorship fees – this is progressing well but he will ask GJ to assist in contacting Perrys.
Action: GW

6 Treasurer’s Report

GW presented and commented on income and expenditure to date. The outcome for the year will be dependent on the costs and income for the Championships. The Committee wants to encourage a high level of participation and will consider individual mail-outs and possibly incentives for early entry. The 2008/9 accounts are currently being audited.
Action: KB – agenda item

7 Effect of awarded matches on handicapping

The present system of awarding wins to players will continue and KW will make sure that SK is aware when this occurs.

8 Update on Emergency Committee decisions

KW issued details of the fines levied so far this season.

9 Grubba Fans – various issues

Although the club had put out a very weak A team on one occasion their other Division 2 matches had been okay. The main problem was with the B team that had difficulty in turning out a full team (thereby adversely affecting Division 5) and both teams had “opted out” of the Dwyer Cup. There were also some issues with registrations and payment of subscriptions. It was accepted that the Committee had not fully explained the way in which the League operated. The Committee wanted to work with the club to help it succeed and KC agreed to arrange a meeting with the club secretary with a view to resolving the issues. If this resulted in the B team withdrawing then the League did have other options for providing Division 5 with a full programme of matches.
Action: KC

10 Joe Walk request for funding

JW had asked whether the League or its members could assist in funding equipment for table tennis in Rwanda where he is working. The League itself cannot make any contribution as this would not come within its rules. The Committee could not see a way of arranging for individual members to contribute to a fund until such events as the Championships or Finals Night provided an appropriate occasion for a collection.
Action: KB to communicate with JW

11 ETTA registration forms

The response from clubs had not been as good as in previous years. It was noted that rule 8(b) requires clubs to supply this information. KB will review the response and report back to the Committee.
Action: KB

12 Ramsbottom Table Tennis Academy

MW had submitted information on the activities. Nearly thirty juniors were registered and generally over twenty play each week on seven tables at the Castle leisure centre. Two of them were playing in Division 5. Coaching was being done at the Derby School and plans were in hand for more schools after Christmas. Bryan Edwards had been awarded the ETTA Development Officer of the year award for his work with the Academy. The Academy had also been awarded ClubMark status.

13 Potential rule changes

It was noted that a number of rule changes would be necessary. These would cover changes in the various competitions, the payment of individual players’ fees and the deadline for clubs to pay their subscriptions. These and other must be reviewed well in advance of the season end.
Action: KB

14 Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be arranged for late January unless circumstances demand an earlier date.
Action: KC/KB