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Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Bury and District Table Tennis League


Date: Tuesday 1 May 2012                           Place: Seedfield Methodist Church Hall


Present:               Ken Crimes, Rodney Hall, Keith Warrington, Ian McKenzie, Keith Butler, Bob Goodman, Edward Freeman, Graham Wardle

Apologies:          Graham Jeffries, Andrew Webster, Mandy Winskill



1)      Minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2012



2)      Matters arising

a)      Handicap automation – still awaiting news from the techies.  There may be a possibility of Simon King assisting with the handicaps during the season.

Committee to follow up


b)     Email software cost-sharing with Bolton – this depends on whether Bolton continue with their current data system or switch to the ETTA software.

Committee to follow up


c)      Banks League – Keith B informed them of the Committee’s decision.  It looks as if they will close.


d)     Shawfield Juniors – the League contributed £180 to Shawfield as agreed last year.


3)      Championships and Finals Night

There was general agreement that both were successful and it was good to see another substantial turnout at Finals Night.  Ken has written a formal letter of thanks to Elton Sports Club for the use of their excellent facilities.

One disappointment was the failure of a player to appear for his match without apparently informing anyone in advance.  His absence may have been related to the complaint that has been lodged by Radcliffe Cricket Club (item 12 below).

Keith W considers the cost of table hire for the Championships to be high but an alternative might be difficult to find, so it was agreed to return to the Radclyffe School again next year.

Early booking has been advised so Keith W and Rodney will review the dates for the season and reserve a date.

KW and RH to action


The comments and suggestions made about the Championships by Mark Reading will be considered by the sub-committee at the appropriate time.


4)      Accounts 2011/2012

Graham presented the draft accounts.  There was a deficit of over £300 compared with the previous year’s

£200 surplus.

Fewer teams in the League, the contribution to Shawfield, the email software cost and reduced fines were the main factors.  Fines had been high in the previous two years but they returned to a lower level this season.

The Committee thanked Graham for his work.


5)      Timetable for actions before the new season

Keith B had sent out an initial advice of the AGM to the club secretaries and will send formal notices in a few days’ time.

KB to action


6)      LCTTA AGM

Keith B will try to arrange for a representative to attend this AGM.

KB to action


7)      Illegal rubbers

One player has reported that another has been using unapproved rubbers.  If this is correct, the committee didn’t feel that it was a particularly serious breach of the rules but the rule is there to be complied with.

Keith B will pursue this with the possible offender.

KB to action


8)      Sportsmanship Trophy

Edward proposed the introduction of some kind of Sportsmanship award each season.

The Committee was generally in favour of the idea and debated the possible ways in which this could be introduced.  The result was that Edward was asked to put forward a formal proposal for the awards to be for one team in each division.

EF to action


9)      Sponsor and handbook advertising

Edward offered to put the suggestion of sponsoring the League to some of his contacts.  This was gratefully accepted by the Committee.

EF to action

Keiths B and W will email all players with a view to increasing the number of advertisements in the handbook.

KB/KW to action


10)   Rule changes

Keith B thought that a few minor amendments could be made to tidy up the rules but after some discussion it was agreed to leave things as they are for the new season.

One issue related to players having ETTA membership before they played.  There was some doubt as to the validity dates of individual memberships so Keith agreed to check with the ETTA.

KB to action


11)   Complaint

A formal complaint has been submitted by Radcliffe Cricket Club.  This followed the sending of an email to their Secretary by a Committee member.  This included a comment concerning the alleged actions of one of the Radcliffe players following a match with Ramsbottom Town.

Having received a denial that any Radcliffe player had been responsible an apology was made but Radcliffe’s further response meant that the Committee felt it necessary to investigate what had happened at and after the match.

Ken and Rodney were asked to pursue this investigation.

KC/RH to action


12)   Other business

a)      AGM – Keith B will request nominations for the Committee and the Chairmanship when he sends out the formal notice.  He will also check whether the three Committee members not at this meeting are willing to stand for re-election.

KB to action


b)     It was agreed to buy a manual scoring machine for use at finals.

Committee to action


13)   Next meeting

Monday 2 July 2012 at Seedfield at 7.45 pm.